password:: medicine
reNEW with theFrench Slip June 5th, 2016
Self Portrait
Heading to my favorite cafe for a latte
In the above photos::
The first image on the left I created on June 5th 2016. I was thinking about a new chapter in my life. I just went through a break up with the man I had fallen in love with (( that I created a lot of artwork about in the project :: Chasing the Fog Learning how to Breathe )) And I was newly on the other side of it. I felt very different. I had just gotten back from a trip to France that was life changing and a transformation happened within me. I use a slip in my self portraits a lot. Dating back to about 25 years ago. Each slip has deep meaning, often hidden, but personal and meaningful for me. This slip is from France and was purchased as a gift to myself to replace the slip I was using in all of that most recent self portrait work around Falling in Love, Deciding to Leave him, the heartbreak and Loss of that Relationship. I wanted to embody the energy that shifted within me in this new series of Self Portraits. I wanted to create an energy or feeling that I held when I was in France and still feel today. I used a self timer for a lot of the images I made that day as well as hand held images. This one is handheld with the iPhone. I took the photo with the camera and then imported it to the TinType App on the phone for this texture and look. THAT is a Self Portrait. It's about something. It has deeper meaning. It holds energy that is unspoken but deeply felt and very personal.
The image on the right was taken later that same morning. I was heading to my favorite Coffee Shop and took this photo to send to a friend because I've been wearing scarves that my friends gave me when I was in France. This is the Peacock Scarf that Makenna Held wore during her photo sessions with me in Valbonne, France. I learned a new way to wear the scarf from a participant in the workshop and wanted her to see my glorious accomplishment. There's no deeper meaning, nothing internal that I'm trying to express here. Just a photo of myself. Selfie. A photo of myself to just show someone where I am or my clothing or to say hello or to show them my scarf.
password :: medicine
Here are the 3 apps I use on my phone that I mentioned in the video Are no longer working now in 2023. Please try out the Hipstamatic App and the TinType app.
password :: medicine
Here is a sample of the images I was making right after my divorce that I mention in the video above. It's part of the 3 year personal project I mentioned that's called Chasing the Fog :: Learning how to Breathe. That Project was completed earlier this year and that particular work was the second chapter in a Body of work with 3 chapters. All 3 chapters have to do with identity. 3 chapters:: Being Max's Mother, Becoming Divorced and Single again and Falling in Love. I would say there are threads and themes within these chapters:: Vulnerability. Love. Loss. Fear. Uncertainty. Confusion. Connection. Home. Heartbreak. Longing. Hope.
You can see more of this work HERE.
After watching the 3 videos... here is the lesson for Day 1:
Consider how you feel right now about your identity. Create a Self portrait from the chest up only around this idea, feeling, thought around your personal identity.
Create a Selfie.
You can post your images on Instagram. Please use the hashtag #selfportraitureasmedicine so we can find you. You can also tag me @cjust. If you don't already, please follow me on Instagram and I'll follow you back.
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