What a Beautiful Session!

We looked over the images you sent in and it was breathtaking. Thank you!

I read from Women who Run with Wolves.

Chapter 10: Nourishing the Creative Life.

I mentioned Cindy Sherman, Here is an Audio Series from the MOMA with a curator discussing her work HERE

You can also look at her Film Stills, which is what she first came onto the art scene doing HERE.

I mentioned David Hockney

I mentioned Alison Armstrong

Patty Mentioned “Succulent Wild Woman” by SARK.

PROMPT: Write about what it is your deeply long for.

Find an object to stand in for YOU and create a self portrait with it instead of being in it yourself.

It can be more than 1 object.
Use this prompt to explore what you deeply long for.

Week 2 Art Gathering
Thank you all for coming together for connection, creation and courage. So so good. GRATEFUL for the richness each of you bring to this space. YOU make it SACRED.

Enjoy your weekend.