::Self Portraiture as Medicine::

8 Week Program



WELCOME to MODULE 1~ Today is all about INTENTION.
It’s the beginning of a journey and without intention - we can get a bit lost.
So let’s start by having intention as we get going.

Watch the video above. It’s just under 7 minutes.

And after you watch it … ( remember there is no deadline on when you get this done. If you want to go with the class it’s a week before you are given the next module. But do not stress. It’s not a race. )

  1. Set a timer for 5-20 minutes ( 20 is preferable )

  2. write out in a journal what it is you’re proud of that you’ve accomplished up to this point in your life. ( give yourself permission to go for it and list the things you’re proud of! )

  3. write out what you’re ready to release as you begin this new chapter: beliefs, patterns, habits that don’t serve where you’d like to be in your life, in your creative practice.

  4. write out what you’re wanting to intend for yourself moving forward. What beliefs do you want to bring in, what practices, what creative experiences. What goals do you want to reach in your life in this next chapter. ( Inside the next 8 weeks and / or beyond )

  5. Create a self portrait that represents this intention setting. This release and this intention. You don’t have to be IN the photograph for it to be a self portrait.

  6. post it inside our facebook group and share whatever you like about this process. Would LOVE to hear what your intentions are - if you want to share them. It’s NOT required.

    See you Tuesday, February 14th, LOVE DAY, on Zoom at 10:30am pacific to go deeply into this first module and prompt about release/intend/create.

    https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85946846747 PASSWORD: 8675309

February 14th MODULE 1 LIVE SESSION!




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