You are here to be fully self expressed.

Rooted in your beauty, authenticity & creative potency.


Experience the Sacred Medicine of Self Portraiture.

This is a path of deep connection & belonging to yourself again.

A powerful release of what no longer serves you.

An expansive multi-layered experience of healing in ways you didn’t know you needed.

A direct conversation with source energy.

Take what’s going on inside your heart & turn that into visual poetry.

Transform your relationship with yourself, your life & your purpose.


This is a video replay from the Masterclass

from Wednesday, February 28th, 2024

This is a safe sanctuary where courageous, open-hearted women gather to explore and deeply embody the richness of their essence, release limiting beliefs & heal.

Self Portraiture brings you into a path of devotion with your essence which has NOTHING to do with how you look and everything to do with how you feel…which then impacts how you look because you start to glow from the inside out.

This is your invitation to make 2024 the year you become

fully embodied, empowered & in love with yourself.

Watch the Masterclass
Practice the exercises inside this 2 hour Video Course

Experience the unlimited healing potential available to you in this practice



  • Feeling Totally Embodied

  • Healing your Internalized Ageism

  • Empowerment & Self Confidence

  • Connecting with your Sensual Essence

  • Creating images honoring the Life/Death/Rebirth cycles in your life.

  • Reclaiming/Recovering/Renewing your experience of yourself and your being.

  • Healing Negative Beliefs through Self Portraiture

  • Getting comfortable in your own skin

  • Loving yourself No Matter F*ing What

  • Toltec Practices and Subconscious Reprogramming Techniques to expand your experience of yourself and of your life.

  • Belonging to yourself & Bringing yourself back Home to yourself




Hi there, I’m Catherine,

I’m a full time Artist, Photographer, Intuitive Healer, Toltec Nagual, Mindset & Abundance Coach living in Los Angeles. My photography has been published on the cover of National Geographic Magazine, inside O magazine, and my art is shown and sold internationally.

I got sober from a meth addiction when I was 18 years old, went on to receive my BFA in conceptual photography and then apprenticed with Miguel Ruiz who wrote the 4 Agreements. I’m certified in Subconscious Reprogramming Techniques and weave all of this into everything I do & everything I offer.

I just celebrated 36 years of continuous sobriety and I’ve learned many tools, practices and transformational healing modalities that help me get out of my own way so I can make the mark I’m here to make. I love helping others who want the same.

I’m the proud single mama to my son Max who has Down syndrome. We work together, creating Art as Activism Campaigns to raise awareness about Down syndrome and Ableism while listening to GunsNRoses and White Stripes on full blast.

I offer courses, coaching, intuitive healing, retreats, a podcast and will soon be publishing my first book, all in service to humans, like myself, who crave healing, transformation, personal growth, the sacred medicine inside an art practice and living a life free from our own internal suffering.




The Sacred Medicine of Self Portraiture
