Monday Week 3 Module 3. MINDMAPPING.

Today I’d like you to write out what’s going on in your life or what’s been on your mind a lot- and then go back through it and circle one word, emotion or idea to investigate further.

Write it on another piece of paper and put a circle around that.

Think of ALL the ways you could create art to describe it. This can hurt a little because you have to think outside of what you normally think about - push yourself to think about things you never do… like If this feeling were an animal what animal would it be. A color? A weather pattern… a city.. a landscape.. a time of day..a type of house…a body of water.. and on and on until you basically exhaust your ideas.

Then Pick one to try out. Pick more than one if you like.

The point is to open doorways you haven’t before to see how you can expand your creative capacity outside the bounds you’re currently in.

See you during out live session!


MODULE 3 LIVE!!! Great conversation today!

Prompt is to write in your journal about whatever is on your mind.

Do the mind map exercise

Create 10 images relating to that mindmap and the ideas you uncover.

See you in the FB group!

