Module 2.
I’m starting at the beginning. Where it all started for me and how I created images from my internal dialogue. This was all happening in Art school when I was newly sober and trying to make sense out of my life now that I was no longer living in San Diego ( I moved to Minneapolis, Minnesota to start my life away from the people, places and things that weren’t healthy for me to be around… and went to a half-way house for 8 months for 13-18 year olds and then went to the Minneapolis College of Art and Design because art was the only thing I liked to do and I have no other life plans or goals. Little did I know I was going to become an artist and photographer full time and be here teaching you all how to create the same ways I did back then and how it’s evolved over the 35 years I’ve been exploring conceptual, emotional, narrative, personal stories through my artwork and photography. )
The prompt this week is all about taking what’s happening in real time in your life and turning it into visual poetry.
If you have time - set a timer for 20 minutes and write out what’s actually happening in your life - along with what’s happening internally that you might not be sharing with anyone. Once you’re done with the writing go back and review it and find one thing to focus on creating work from. It could be a word. It could be a sentence you wrote. It could be something you’re thinking about that you wrote out and want to explore that one thing.
I’ll share more about how to take the emotion, situation, question, concern … and turn it into a beautiful piece of art.
Module 2: Tuesday, Feb. 21st. Live Session.
We had a GREAT conversation today! Thank you to each of you for your contribution to this session.