Self Portraiture as Medicine Free 5 Day Masterclass

January 23rd - 27th, 2023

Video Replays

January 23rd - Day 1 Replay.

January 25th DAY 3!

January 27th : DAY 5!!!

Here it is. Our final session of our Masterclass.

Links from this session:

The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron

The Starn Twins

Frank Ockenfels III

Frank’s instagram.

The symbology of an egg in art

What a profound week it’s been!

It’s always hard to say goodbye at the end of a course! And the same is true for this one. I’ve really enjoyed the conversation, the connection and watching each of you explore life through this medium.

If you’re wanting to continue on with me into even more yumminess…

You can click HERE to learn more about the Self Portraiture as Medicine course.

Early Bird Pricing Ends TOMORROW, January 28th at midnight pacific time.

If you have any questions feel free to connect with me at

Sending each of you so much love.

