Pop-Up Art School
Large Format and Medium Format Film Photography
Saturday, April 15th 10:30am-12:30pm (pst) on Zoom.
Art School Details
Saturday, April 15th
10:30am - 12:30pm (pst)
Live Zoom Session ( recorded for those who sign up but can’t make it )
4x5 Shen Hao Large Format Film Camera
Mamiya RB67 Medium Format Film Camera
What they are, What they do & How I use them.
You’ll learn
The overview of both of these beautiful film cameras.
The work I’ve created with each of these cameras and why I like using them.
The Lenses I use and why I use them
Shutter / Shutter speeds and how I use this to achieve a specific outcome in my photos
F/Stops and what I prefer and why.
What film I use for each camera
How I load film in each one.
How I set up the camera for Self Portraits
How I set up the camera when I have a photo session with a client
What tripod I use and why
And there will be time for Q&A so you can ask about anything you’d like to learn regarding these cameras.
This course would cost upwards of $500.00 +
I’m offering it at a low rate / sliding scale situation
This is a pay what you think this is worth / pay what you can afford
I want this accessible to more people so I’ve created an easy way for you to join
You have a choice of 3 different price points.
$47.00 // $77.00 // $97.00
if you think it’s worth more you can just fill in the amount you wish to pay here.
Want to pay more? Thank you! Click here.