
with Catherine Just

and Special Guest Caitlin Padgett

November 3rd - 8th, 2022

Dates TBA for 2023

10 spots available

Being in the energy of Oaxaca opens doorways to

Reclaim :: Remember :: Recover :: Embody :: The truth of who you are

Oaxaca City is the capital of the state of Oaxaca in southwestern Mexico. It’s truly one of the best places to visit in Mexico, due to its interesting history, world-class cuisine (oh my god the food!), and colorful indigenous and colonial cultures, their art, craft, energy and lifestyle.

We’ve created this retreat with the intention of weaving together the pieces lost during the Pandemic.

The sense of connection and community that only happens in person along with the importance of respect and honoring of all people, including ourselves.

Open heart. Open Mind. Open Soul.

We open by giving ourselves permission to travel to new lands both internally inside ourselves and externally by exploring places we’ve never seen before.

We open through thoughtful creative expression.

We open through quiet connection with the energy of this place, meditation, EFT Tapping and an Activation Writing Practice.

Each day we set the intention for remembering :: reclaiming :: recovering :: renewing.

Each moment is an opportunity to choose more joy, more inner peace, more personal freedom. Embodiment of the truth of who we are.

We’re still working on this page.

We’ll be updating this page with more specific details and pricing shortly.

If you’re interested in learning more sign up for the waitlist !