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Artists Statement:

Quarantine started for me on March 11th, 2020. I decided to mark each day by creating a very structured confining project that mirrored the experience of this feeling in quarantine. Forced to stay home. I created a cyanotype every day using 6 pieces of 4x4” sunprint paper. Usually just taped together with scotch tape. I used 2 Self Portraits I created in France as I travel there up to 3 times a year and now my travels were from my bedroom, to the kitchen to the home art studio, to the bathroom and to the living room…maybe to the mailbox every couple of days. My sight became focused on finding the miracles inside of it. The light and how it traveled across the room during the day. The view outside my windows of Laurel Canyon. The Eucalyptus Tree’s dancing and laughing when the breeze tickled the leaves. Hearing the birds chirp with joy with my windows open. How it feels in my being to breathe. To detach from the news and the fear and dive deep inside myself, my knowing and cultivating the joy of being alive whenever possible. Being with myself. Being with the pulse of the planet. I moved the 2 negatives into different configurations to try to explore the dance between the thoughts in my mind and the spiritual knowing that lives between the words. the project keeps me challenged to come up with new ways to express inside the confines of the rules I made for my own project. Especially when I run out of tape and have to wait a week for a shipment to arrive because I can’t just drive to the store and get some. Adjusting to whatever happens and learning about myself inside a time of uncertainty… and also knowing it’s ALWAYS uncertain… we only THINK we’re in control when things in our day go as we think they should….


Behind the scenes timelapse video of the sewing process.