Self Portraiture as Medicine 2022

Module 3

Password: medicine

This Module is all about diptychs.
Watch the video above to see 3 examples in my own work.

And tomorrow We’ll take a look at other photographers take on the idea of 2 images creating a stronger story than just one.

You can google Diptych photography or go to pinterest and view MANY different ways people have used 2 images together. It’s fascinating to see how you can use landscape and a self portrait together, or an object in one photo and your feet in another and how they play off each other to create new metaphors that didn’t exist on their own.

I’m looking forward to seeing how you create your own versions of this powerful play between 2 images.

Password: medicine

This was a fascination conversation about family, memory, the things passed down through the family lineage, beliefs we have about ourselves and I taught my Abundance Activation Practice that ultimately helps with this ( and other ) creative prompts.

I’m looking forward to seeing what you create this week!

