Blue is a Poem


“Blue is a Poem” is an ongoing evolving project about intimacy and the unspoken but shared ‘conversations’ between two people that cannot be seen but are deeply felt. The threads hold the stories that are closest to the skin. Each piece is specific to a moment / experience / connection that mattered to me. It’s a time capsule carrying more than just the memory that happens in my mind. I’m curious about what lives in between the words, underneath the surface and beyond what’s seen. Blue is a Poem started in Paris in 2016. Rachid. Figs. The beginning of renting what is now “my” apartment. The art above the bed about the word blue and it’s many meanings. The language barrier that didn’t get in the way of understanding each other. Releasing of a chapter I left in Los Angeles. Inside a box that eventually got thrown away. There’s more to this story… it’s “baked” inside the cyanotype of the bra I wore in Paris.

Cyanotypes are a merging of sun, time, paper, object and the chemical reaction when the sun hits the light sensitive chemistry. I find this metaphoric of the layers present that make up a connection between 2 people. You need both in order to create the third “thing” the action connection or merging of energies.

I create these Cyanotypes with 4x4” squares of Sun Print Kit paper. Taped together with Scotch tape to create a larger piece. The squares represent all of that unknown experiences in our lives that had to take place in order for the two of us to meet. The people, places, decisions all led us to that moment. We aren’t just one thing. We have so many facets to us. This is the same around our connection with others. It’s not just one thing. It’s a living breathing thing. Not contained by a definition or label. I used scotch tape as it may or may not be archival so it’s allowing the cyanotypes to show what happens as the sun, light, heat and time continue to make their mark. Each piece is a living breathing/changing thing. Just like we are. Celebrating the aging process and how memories fade…instead of hiding it or trying to keep it from happening.

These pieces are available. Some are already framed and ready for your walls. email to inquire.