Begin Deepening
Your Roadmap to Deeper photographic expression.
Conceptual Photography 101
A Self Paced course.
For the last 30 years, I’ve been creating images that express what’s going on underneath the surface of my daily life. The things that go unsaid. The feelings and internal conversations that never get a chance to come up for air. Instead of looking outside myself for inspiration, I’m turning inward and digging deep. How can I turn my internal reality, this specific pain or joy or question I have into something visual? It’s been an ongoing exploration and something I find so healing and transformative on many levels. It takes the usual forms of photography and deepens it with much more potent content and personal meaning.
Normally this course is $250.00.
Right now I’m offering it at just $33.00!!
I’m celebrating the last month of my 33rd year of sobriety by lowering the price to the number of years I’ve been sober.
When I turn 34 years sober on August 18th this pricing will go back up.
Get it while you can at this amazing price!
Think of this as a taste of the depths That can be reached in your photography and your personal growth.
I will walk you through the steps with 10 videos and prompts.
Begin Deepening is usually taught live, but I’m no longer offering this course live so I’ve opened it up to you as a self paced course. The content is so nourishing to your creative practice I don’t want you to miss out.
The lessons are in Video format. You're going to see me telling you the inside secrets of my own work and what each process I go through is along my own journey.
I don’t see anything like this offered online.
It’s been a true healing component to my life and I would love to share the basics with you so you can explore and create new work infused with more of your internal landscape.
I’ll be sharing the inside layers of my own personal work, why I made the images the way I did, how I made them and the process I go through when I make this work…from idea to image. By the end you will have created a new images based on an idea or internal struggle that comes from your heart. You’ll be creating something from nothing. Instead of looking for the perfect image outside of yourself, you’ll be going inward for the answers. My work happens to have a lot of self-portraiture in it. That isn’t necessary if it doesn’t resonate for you. That’s up to you.
I can't wait to share this process with you.
(In case you are questioning whether you are ready for a course like this :: You don’t need to call yourself a photographer or have a fancy camera to do this work. Your iPhone is just fine. You just need a little bit of curiosity, willingness and interest. )
Details:: What you receive::
10 videos of content. Delivered to your inbox immediately after purchase.
3 audio interviews with photographers that have inspired me along my photographic career.
A "library" of resources to explore other artists that can help you grow.
past participants say...
"There are no words to describe the doors that have opened for me through your [Begin Deepening] photography course! I knew that I wanted to express myself and how I am working through life with photography, just was unsure how to go about it.Your class came along when I needed it most!" -Kristine O.
"This [course] has also changed the way that I feel about perfection in images - blur used to drive me crazy! But it feels liberating to throw out my "rules" and just trust myself to create in a new way." –Angie
"Your course is helping me finally SEE myself whole ... And in a strange way it’s giving me the permission to really be okay with it and to share it which is shattering so many layers upon layers upon layers. So, you see, thank you feels really small, but it’s all I’ve got. You’ve lit a fire within me that I really didn’t know existed." - Tracey S.
"I appreciate you putting yourself out there for us and pushing us to make art and to know ourselves better. I haven’t pushed myself to make art like this in a long time and it feels so good, like a missing piece in my life." -Melanie G.
"How did this course help me? God in so many ways, I feel like I'm on fire.
Thank you- Thank you -Thank you!!!" -Lorijo D.
"I absolutely love it. I started looking at everything around me in a new way…trying to grab the morning light before it was gone, seeing something happening in my kitchen that I absolutely HAD to photograph because it stirred something in me, thinking about my feelings and how to turn them into a photograph." - Kathy G.
Join in and expand your photography work, add some tools to your creative tool kit, mark the moments that matter in a whole new way. Create evidence of a life that's rich and layered and filled with your unique voice and vision. You won't believe the places you can reach and express. I'll show you the way and then you create a path that only you can follow.
Please note that I do not give refunds on digital content. Thank you for understanding