Begin Deepening
module 9

A series or sequence. Creating a sentence. A conversation between images.

Today it's about working with more than one image. How can your photographs speak to each other and create an even stronger statement, energy, emotion?

PASSWORD: begin_deepening

Password begin_deepening



Create a series of 2 or 3 images that work together to tell the story of your secret.

Here are examples below of how I've used this in my own work.

Abajo del Rio. ©CatherineJust These were made a month apart.

Abajo del Rio. ©CatherineJust These were made a month apart.

Family Recipe. ©CatherineJust This is more of a work in progress. The house image will be larger and may be above the other images. I'm still working out those more formal concerns.

Family Recipe. ©CatherineJust This is more of a work in progress. The house image will be larger and may be above the other images. I'm still working out those more formal concerns.

Pinwheel. ©CatherineJust

Pinwheel. ©CatherineJust

You can post your images to IG and tag me @cjust
I mention an app called PicFrame to make a series on your phone. It is a subscription situation and costs money to use. I haven’t used it in years and years. You might find another app that’s free.



If you’d like 1:1 coaching to help with any limiting beliefs or blocks or would like me to look at your art for feedback Click HERE