Begin Deepening
Module 8

This week we move into Self Portraits.

A lot of you are already using this device for your expression. Let's see if you can take it further.

password: begin_deepening

This video explains that self portraiture has been my main source of expression and I'm still uncomfortable at times, but I do it anyway. It's healing for me. And I would like you to try self portraits for yourself in a way that helps you say those things that simmer for you. The secret you started this course with. You can do the writing and mind mapping or just use your intuition.

Nest. ©CatherineJust

Nest. ©CatherineJust
















Make  self portraits your own. Create your own visual language within this space.

Post to IG with #begindeepening and tag me @cjust


If you’d like 1:1 coaching to help with any limiting beliefs or blocks or would like me to look at your art for feedback Click HERE

  • I took this module and made it into it’s own course: Self Portraiture as Medicine. You can check it out HERE.