Begin Deepening
Module 3
Welcome to Module 3.
Today… I’m heading to a place that I have embraced at times and have resisted in others…but ultimately when I’ve surrendered and shown up to the blank page…have seen a third party ( my version of God? The Universe? The Great Mystery? ) Swoop in and bring my work to a place I didn’t know was possible…. Writing/Journaling.
Here’s today’s video. You’ll notice that the video breaks up a little, but the audio is just great. I was going to re-do it…but I think it’s so funny when I use the word “copier” instead of “printer” and when I say ” there’s no right way of doing this” instead of ” there’s no wrong way to do this”….and because we are working on just makin it real…. I’m leaving it in for your video watching entertainment.
Password: begin_deepening
Today's prompt
Getting down to the writing.
Use the journal you have. Don’t think you need to run out and get the accordion fold journal I showed you…You don’t. Just start now. What you have is perfect. If you really want to buy that journal it’s HERE.
Set a timer for 10 minutes or for 25 minutes ( I vote for 25 minutes! )
Write write write..don’t stop…don’t think…don’t try to write something….just write. Write faster than your usual. This is different than the future writing I shared in our first live call. Don't use this to get overwhelmed. Take 5 minutes if that's what feels ok right now.
When you do this exercise please don’t think about what you’re creating in your photos…write about what’s happening inside of you right now. Write about what’s happening in your life. Just do a major mind dump like in the Artists Way’s Morning Pages. I'm feeling....because.... ( and/or ) I'm so f%*#$# pissed at him right now...
When you’re done with the writing, go back over it and find the central theme or 2 themes that were present in the writing.
Make a mind map, like I shared with you in the video.
Put the theme (or themes) inside the circle and then….
Come up with as many ideas for ways to express these themes in photographs.
Here is a Visual Thesaurus that can help you come up with different objects, words, help you define things etc. Put a timer on because you might not make it back out alive…It’s amazing!
Don’t worry if your ideas seem like you could never actually make them be as outlandish as you can...visit all realms of possibility.
….if you don’t have any ideas – go look at work online for inspiration, object ideas, landscape ideas, etc….
Circle one of your ideas and create that image.
If you don’t have the objects in your home that you come up with in your mind map…here are some ways around that..
Find them in magazines and cut them out.
draw them. stick drawings are fine. try it.
look that object up in the dictionary and thesaurus and find other ways to express that same thing in a new way.
Paint it.
write the word of the object “spoon” down on a piece of paper. ( if it were me…I would then hang it from the ceiling with fishline…because ... why not?)
Give yourself $10 and run to the thrift store.
Ask a neighbor.
Make it / build it out of paper or other materials you have around the house.
For this practice you get to NOT think about how it fits in with the images you've been making. Don't reference them to try to make this cohesive. It's a practice that will illuminate something for you either right away or down the road... Please give yourself permission to "paint" wayyyyyyyyy outside of the lines here.
If you’d like 1:1 coaching to help with any limiting beliefs or blocks or would like me to look at your art for feedback Click HERE