About Self Portraiture as Medicine
This is a 12 week course that continued on to become a 6 month course. They all requested to keep on going. They were all devoted to their own work and in supporting each other in a way that was truly awe inspiring.
Each week I gave them a new photography prompt to work with. They created new images weekly. Each discovering and uncovering who they are at their core and how they want to express it with a visual language that’s uniquely their own.
At the end of the 6 months they were asked to edit their very large and extraordinary bodies of work down to just 12-15 images that could express the best possible visual poem or story for an online exhibition. During this process they wrote an artist’s statement. Some of them had never tackled any of this before and the results blew all of us away.
If you’re interested in this process and want to create the work you’re here to make my next course starts January 14th. It’s called MAKE THE WORK and you can use any visual arts medium you’re inspired to use and get into the supportive community and the flow that’s created when we gather weekly. I feel strongly that each of us has something to share with the world and that it’s our job to get out of our own way so that we can touch the people who need what only we can bring. And sometimes (all of the time) the person that needs the healing that comes from your work is yourself. Art is Medicine.
If you feel the nudge click here to learn more about the next course. It’s currently a deeply reduced price so that more of you can join us.
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