Art as Medicine

10 week course :: starts Jan. 23rd

How to get out of your own way

Become the artist you were meant to be…

So you can save that one person you were meant to save

……and that person could be you.

Success as a practicing artist is more than just mastering a technique.

You can watch the “how-to” videos on any artistic practice out there.

But if you don’t know that your work is worthy of taking up space in the world…your dreams will stay in dream land.

You judge your art before you ever make it.


You’re in the middle of creating your work and you stop.

You’re negative thoughts have a strangle hold on you.

You reject yourself before you ever get started.

You decide for the rest of us that your work isn’t worth seeing or experiencing.

But the truth is

It’s none of our business.

It’s not your business if it’s right for us or not.

It’s your business to make the work.

You’re inspired for a reason that may or may not be so obvious just yet.

But how do you get out of your own way?

It’s more than just setting your intention to make art. It’s more than just the inner work of facing your negative beliefs. It’s more than future scripting. It’s more than setting up a space to create art in your house. There’s been a piece missing in all of these steps.

Art as Medicine

a 10 week program

An invitation to expand into the fullness of your creative potential.


conceptual art in the studio

Bird in flight

Art as Medicine

In this course you’ll:

Make Art that’s more meaningful.

Learn new art processes.

Explore and use tools for higher consciousness and awakening.


This course is for you if:

::You crave the feeling of freedom inside yourself to create the art you know is inside of you.

::You want to take your art to the next level.

::You’re ready to learn and let go of your old stories of why it’s not possible for you.

::You’re wanting to deepen your creative practice.

::You’re open to new ideas and doing the work to make your dreams your reality.

::You’re done comparing yourself to other artists.

::You’re wanting to experience a lasting shift in your art practice and in your life.

What’s included:

Weekly lessons you will use!

  • EFT Tapping // for releasing what’s holding you back // calming your nervous system // while becoming the artist you want to be.

  • Toltec Practice ( I studied with Miguel Ruiz, Author of the Four Agreements ) Turning your Triggers into Treasures. Stalking the mind. Dreaming practice. Awareness practice. 4 Agreements in action practice. Trusting your “Silent Knowledge” and how to access it.

  • Conceptual Art. What it is and how to use it to deepen your art practice.

  • Visual Poetry. Finding your own personal visual language and learn how to use it to start a body of work or a series of images.

  • An Art Making Community Practice with me on Zoom once a month for 3 months. This is a 3 hour art making session.

    • You can come and go as you please during those hours.

      • Everyone works on whatever projects they want to work on individually while getting to experience community, connection, support if wanted and the experience of making art without being alone.

The Weekly Schedule

Mondays: New Module delivered to your inbox every week for 8 weeks.
Tuesdays: Zoom call to deepen the module for the week from 9-10am pacific ( recorded for those who missed it ) + feedback on your work.

Monthly Art Making Time: (2) 3 hour art making sessions together each month on Zoom to make our art. Dates TBA.

What they’re saying about my work and this course

Catherine listens with all of her senses so her suggestions are always the perfect key to unlocking your creativity.
— Catherine B.

I’ve never felt so safe and supported in any other community or course before. Catherine helped me find my voice and know that I’m worthy of taking up space and expressing myself in my art and in my life and relationships.
— K.

Catherine is a seer. She just knows things. I trust her to guide me in my life and when I’m feeling stuck in my art practice she guides me quickly out of it. Her conceptual art and the way she creates her work inspired my songwriting in ways I didn’t expect.
— Rebecca V.

I listened to the recording of your teachings this morning while I walked in the woods. I think I need to hear it one more time today to see what else I pick up from it. I feel more awake now. You were exactly what I needed to step back and forward - if that makes any sense. Thank you again. So much. You are a very special human. You don’t need me to tell you that, but I am just blown away by your energy and your just way of being. IDK it is palpable and powerful and good for me.
— Jewels G.

Working with Catherine was life altering. In the best of ways. I was nervous. She put me at ease. It reminded me of how vital it is to step out and bare our soul as often as possible. Life affirming and soul recognition - that’s what working with Catherine is like.
— Alicia J.

Working with Catherine is an experience in itself. No one can offer you what Catherine can. Her work is like entering a deeper, spiritual level.
— Heather A.

Catherine Just is an award winning artist, photographer, author and activist living in Los Angeles. Her work has been published on the cover of National Geographic Magazine, inside O Magazine and shown in galleries internationally.

She considers her work a sacred process of listening and responding to energy, light, emotion, intuition and what lives in between the words. Exploring spiritual themes of the connection between all things and what’s present inside the present. Catherine invites and questions societal perceptions on what’s true, what’s real and what actually matters.

Catherine got sober from a meth addiction at 18 years old on August 18th, 1987. She studied at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design, focusing on conceptual photography. She graduated in 1992 and has been a working artist, and sober, for the past 33 years. She studied with Miguel Ruiz, Toltec teacher and author of the Four Agreements, which highly influences her work. Her main medium is film photography, specifically the 4x5 bellows camera. She investigates life through long exposures, capturing what cannot be seen.

Catherine teaches online courses on conceptual art and leads artists retreats in France.

Catherine is the single parent of her son Max, who happens to have Down syndrome.

She is currently developing the Max Harrison Foundation, writing her memoir and has a daily art making practice.